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I spend many a happy hour writing bonkers verse for kiddies, which most of them seem to appreciate. Here are a few examples for your delectation. Feel free to download, print them out and read them to yours, or anyone else's kids. If they want a special verse writing for them, maybe including their pets, friends (including invisible ones), worst enemies, favourite teachers, or even (God-help-you) their parents, just give me the ammo and I'll do it.

Here's a couple of biggies to kick off with...




Hidden away in Stinkwood Dell,

Lived a strange little boy with a powerful smell.

He was always dressed

In a raggedy vest,

Which was never, ever washed.

And he liked to play

In the swamp all day,

Where he splished and splashed and sploshed.


His pets were snails and slugs and frogs,

And he slept on a bed of Stinkwood logs.

His favourite food was Frogspawn Jam,

And he went by the name of Stinkwood Sam.


The soles of his feet were riddled with cracks,

And his ears were full of crusty old wax,

His body was covered with thick, dark hair,

Which littered the floor of his underground lair.


Now Stinkwood Sam had a mum and a dad,

Who worried about their son.

He was always doing something mad,

And was always having fun.

Either chasing stoats, or sailing boats

In the bog around his den,

Or rolling around in the glubby old mud,

Then doing it over again...





In a cold, dark cave in a mountain range,

There lies a secret book.

It’s pages tell of a folk so strange,

Do you want to take a look?


Say your goodnights,

Turn off the lights, 

And snuggle down in bed.

Pull up the sheets above your teeth,

Your nose, your ears, your head.


And now it's dark, let's take a trip,

To a land bizarre and odd,

To The Kingdom of the Squeekabees,

Where no human’s ever trod.

Adventurers and explorers have sought this fabled place,

All have failed and disappeared, and left behind no trace.

The Kingdom of the Squeekabees

Is lost in time and space,

A vague, unknown location,

For a weird, mysterious race.

Perhaps you'll find it somewhere 

In the North, East, West or South.

Or could it be right next to me...

Perhaps I’ll shut my mouth.


So are you dreaming comfortably?

The Squeekabees await,

With a welcome to their Kingdom,

Come on! Let’s not be late...

And a few 'littler' ones...



Neil, Neil, electric eel,

Zapped his friends and made them squeal,

He zapped their tails, he zapped their fins

Fried their tongues and frazzled their chins.

He zapped them in the morning,

He zapped them late at night,

He zapped them by the old shipwreck

With all his eely might.


Neil, Neil, electric eel

Kept zapping without pausing,

He simply couldn’t understand

The trouble he was causing.


So when the sea folk had enough,

They called a special meeting.

So many of them came along

They needed extra seating.


‘My lovely wings are floppy things!’

Moaned Jay the Manta Ray.


‘My tentacles are bent-acles’,

Hissed Sid the Giant Squid,


‘Now all my gills are growing frills',

Cried Trish the Angelfish.


‘My pincers look like mincers’,

Snapped Gab the Spider Crab,

‘I really feel that horrid eel

Deserves a nasty jab!’


This fishy meeting grumbled on

For hours into the night,

How to stop that naughty eel

From giving them a fright.

‘Wrap him up in seaweed, then bury him in sand!’

‘Chop him into pieces, wouldn’t that be grand!’

‘Tie him to a spearfish and shoot him at a rock!’

‘Shave off all his slimy scales and stuff him in a sock!’


Then a booming voice was heard by all,

It rose above the rest,

It was Bill the Brainy Brainfish,

Lemmy Lobster's guest,

He said ‘Listen folks it’s simple, in fact it’s just a breeze,

All we need to do, my friends, is steal his batteries.’


They looked each other up and down, this was a great idea,

Without his electrickery, they needn’t live in fear.

So with Bill the Brainy Brainfish,

They hatched a cunning plan,

Inviting Neil the Electric Eel

To tea with Starfish Stan.


Now Starfish Stan was a cookery fan,

The best chef in the ocean!

He baked some cakes,

With plankton flakes

And a cup of his secret potion.


Neil, Neil, Electric Eel,

Swam round to Stans for tea,

He gobbled all the cakes right up,

Leaving none for you or me.

His eyelids fluttered

He coughed and spluttered

Fell deep into a slumber,

He dreamt of seaweed castles, wigs and curried sea cucumber.


And while he slept, in the others crept

They gave his tail a squeeze.

He gave a grunt,

And to be quite blunt,

Out popped his batteries.


Neil, Neil, the Friendly Eel,

Is a different guy today,

Everybody likes him,

‘You’re OK!’ they say.

He helps out at the local schools

Of tiny, tiny fishes,

He pops in to the kitchens

And helps out with the dishes.


His crazy days of zapping ways

Are well and truly over.

He’s married now to a nice sea-cow

Who drives a Vauxhall Nova.

They have a little dogfish

Who goes by the name of Rover.

And they live in a shed

Upon the seabed,

Just two miles south of Dover.



Professor Pong’s brain

Was as big as a train

And it quite filled up his head.

Between me and you

One day it turned blue

And he took himself off to his bed.


Professor Pong

Invented a song

That went on and on and on.

If your lungs were strong

You could sing along

‘Till your vocal cords were gone.


His wife, Mrs. Pong

Has a clock that goes bong

So she knows when her puddings are done.

She would mix up the batter

Using dark super matter,

So each pudding would weigh half a ton!


Professor Pong’s cat

Wears a rice paper hat

Which allows it to talk in Chinese.

“Scratch my tum”, she would purr,

“And now shampoo my fur,

Get a move on old chap, if you please.”


Professor Pong’s ears

Tell his eyes what he hears

And his mouth tells his wife what he sees.

His fingers and hands

Work off red rubber bands

And his tongue stretches down to his knees.


Professor Pong’s toes

Go wherever he goes

And his legs are attached to his hips.

His favourite dish

Is pickled raw fish

Fried with onions and crinkle cut chips.


Professor Pong’s boat

Floats around in his moat

Which is normally filled with cold tea.

His pet badger Mike

Likes to cycle his bike

As far as his left eye can see.


The Professor makes smells

Which his daughter Kate sells

Down the market, first thing in the morning.

‘TRY PONG’S PONGS!’ she would yell,


They’re a cure for both sneezing and yawning!’


The Professor, one day

Said ‘I hope it’s OK

If I snooze on this rusty torpedo’.

It wasn’t of course

It exploded with force

And his teeth ended up in Toledo.




Dorothy Dare 

Has wild ginger hair

Which she ties up into bunches.

I’ve heard it once said

That she stood on her head

Whilst eating three packed lunches.


Dorothy Dare 

Wears white dungarees,

Which start at her neck 

And reach down to her knees.

She wears red, shiny boots 

Laced right up to her shins,

And she kisses the boys round the back of the bins.


Dorothy Dare 

On the high diving board!

Watch her jump backwards, 

My goodness, Oh Lord!

Last week someone told me she sat on a frog,

Threw stones at a beehive and then bit a dog!

Dorothy Dare pulls the scariest faces,

‘Cos her teeth are all covered with shiny, wire braces,

And her eyes roll like marbles through her great big specs,

When she pinches the back of her classmates’ necks.


She put tadpoles into the Big Girl’s loos,

And maggots into their ballet shoes,

You could hear the screams from the hockey pitches,

Dorothy Dare had us all in stitches,

She got triple detention, but she just didn’t care

Because everyone knew she was Dorothy Dare!


She did those things that you never would think.

If it all ended up with a horrible stink,

Or a huge commotion or terrible din,

Dorothy Dare would just stick out her chin

And stand on her desk with her arms in the air,

Stamping her feet and shaking her hair,

Making rude noises and wiggling her bum,

Till her arms got tired and her legs went numb.


Dorothy Dare is crazy and funny,

And most people think she’s an absolute honey,

She’s got loads of friends who think she’s a scream

Like the time that she swallowed a bucket of cream,

And jumped up and down for an hour and a half

Then lay very still in the Sick Bay bath.

Everyone thought that she might be dead

Till she started to giggle and wobble her head,

Then proceeded to sing at the top of her voice

‘We Will Rock You!’ - an excellent choice!


(She whispered once, right up close to my face,

That she wasn’t a part of the human race,

And one day that she'd travel to outer space,

And marry an alien, dressed in cosmic lace.)


But Dorothy finally went too far,

When she covered the roof of the head teacher’s car

With a mixture of breadcrumbs and wallpaper glue

And a sprinkling of oatmeal and budgie seed too.


Head teacher went mad and was soon lost for words

As his car became covered in hundreds of birds,

Flapping and shrieking and fighting for snacks

Pecking the paint off and scratching at cracks,

They added a layer of their feathers and droppings 

Till it looked like a trifle all covered in toppings.


‘My car, my poor car!’ the head teacher cried

As he threw open the boot and scrambled inside.

Then quickly drove off, car horn blaring TOOT TOOT!

With a large flock of seagulls in noisy pursuit.


The following week it was as we’d all feared,

Dorothy’s desk had been emptied and cleared.

No ginger hair, or red, shiny boots,

Nobody’s gloves

Filled with mouldy old fruits,

No horrid smells or ridiculous sounds,

No ‘Triple detention!’ or ‘Hey! Out of bounds!’

The teachers looked bored, 

The classes were quiet,

Our lives were no longer 

A Dorothy riot.


So five years later, I turn on the telly.

There’s an advert for ‘Rumble Tumms Marmalade Jelly’

And a programme on how to make hats out of cheese,

With old people complaining about their bad knees.


Then a Newsflash and music that makes my pulse race,

As the screen shows a cheeky, familiar face!

A sly, naughty grin, ginger hair in a state,

The smile is the same, but the teeth are all straight.

And she’s talking and laughing with a big crowd of lads,

Holding microphones, cameras, pens and notepads.

She’s wearing what looks like bright, white dungarees,

Heavy boots on her feet, cushion pads on her knees.

She smiles at the crowd, looking happy and calm,

A smooth, round, glass helmet tucked under her arm.

Yes, it’s Dorothy Dare, at the Global Space Port,

The first ginger-haired, 

Schoolgirl Astronaut.


I don’t suppose that she’ll remember this place,

When she marries her alien far out in space.

She’ll forget about school and the head teacher’s car,

And toilet tadpoles 

Slowly poured from their jar.

She’ll forget about me, her dear old friend Janet,

Because Dorothy will be

On her very own planet. 



Useless Pete had two left feet

He couldn’t throw a ball

His wore a wig, his nose was big,

And he was only four foot tall.


Useless Pete had a googley eye

Which looked the other way

He couldn’t read a watch, so didn’t

Know the time of day.


Useless Pete, he couldn’t cook,

He couldn’t knit or sew

He couldn’t do a crossword

And he couldn’t tie a bow.


Useless Pete was bad at maths

He couldn’t count to one.

He couldn’t spell and couldn’t tell

His elbow from his bum.


Useless Pete, he had no friends

He didn’t have a car,

And all his teeth came out at night

He kept them in a jar.


Useless Pete, he bought a gun

To shoot at mice, he said,

He stuffed the barrel full of cheese

Now Useless Pete is dead!


So Useless Pete

Is up above, behind the pearly gates.

He laughs, he smiles, he runs for miles,

With all his new found mates.


He tells a joke

To all the folk

The Boss thinks he’s a geezer.

And he’s married to an angel now

Who’s name is Condaleeza.



 Copyright Dennis Ciappara 2018.                                                                                                           Tel. 07811 960795 Email: 

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