Chapter & Verse

unwrap something utterly unique and unforgettable.
There are some special occasions which deserve something a little more memorable than a set of crystal glasses or an inflatable unicorn. Something unique that requires a great deal more thought and effort than simply hitting the 'Checkout' button on some gift website.
A completely personalised gift, that will evoke powerful sentiments and live long in the memory of your loved ones.
A Personalised Poem is the perfect gift for everyone, whatever age. Whether it's for a Wedding, Anniversary, Birthday, Bar Mitzvah, a Christmas present, or simply a special thank-you to someone you love. Or if you have that dreaded 'big speech' to deliver, a personal poem can be the ideal crowd-pleaser to break the ice and captivate your audience.
Years ago, I began writing these for friends and family. Before long, I started to get requests to do more, so I did! They can be as long, short, elaborate or as simple as you fancy, and the cost depends entirely on what you want; alternatively I can work to any budget you have in mind. Content and tone can be as irreverent or saintly as you wish.
Below are a few examples of what can be achieved; these first two epics, full-size and framed, are about 4 foot in height. But if it's just a few verses you want, no problem. If you want to discuss any of your requirements, just give me a bell on 07811 960795, I'm a jolly friendly chap, or drop me an email on dennis@creation-gc.co.uk
On the occasion of
my lovely wife's 50th...(50?! No waaaaayy...)

Special occasion for a close friend - some adult content...

Close friends' wedding boat-party in Windsor - this one was actually printed onto a scroll and included inside a presentation box with suitably saucy paraphernalia...

Or a much simpler graphic approach...

Or even simpler still, without any graphics, for reading out at any event, as I did at my parent's Wedding Anniversary...
T’was in the year of 1956.
‘And God Created Woman’ was showing at the flicks!
A phrase which might have issued from my father’s very lips
When he first clapped eyes upon my mother’s shapely hips.
Now Grace and Joe, if you didn’t know, come from the isle of Malta
A sultry place, I’m told to my face, where you shouldn’t drink the water.
And it’s from this vale that they both set sail on a journey that would seal their futures
With my mother cooking for thousands and my father fiddling with sutures.
But it was on a train, on the Italian plain, that their paths would first collide
Sharing a tiny carriage, nowhere for Joe to hide.
So he summoned up his courage and asked my Mum the time of day.
Whilst upon his wrist, a brand new watch was proudly on display.
Now Mum’s not thick, she figured quick what this bloke was really after,
But they hit it off and the voyage long was shortened by their laughter,
At journey’s end, they parted as friends, addresses were exchanged,
They promised eachother, my father and mother, a tryst would be arranged.
And so it was, again and again, back on the isle of Malta,
A tasty venue, it says on the menu,
Just don’t drink the water.
Then finally, young Joe could see, the time had really come
To take his lovely Gracie home to meet his wise, old Mum.
Now Jerry took no prisoners and looked Grace up and down,
She grilled her re her prospects, education and home town,
She noted her gold earrings, her coat, her make of shoe.
And taking Joe aside she said ‘A bit plump, but she’ll do’.
And I can assure everyone sitting here, that’s absolutely true.
And so to 1960, think the Beatles , JFK
MacMillan’s winds of change are blowing harder every day
The Cold War makes it colder still, The Stones about to roll
With Cassius Clay and Elvis topping every single poll
But amidst all this activity, the only thing that counts,
Is that my parents wed and jumped into bed
on Kerr Street near The Mounts.
And in their dreams, or so it seems, no sooner are they married,
That a baby girl bombards their world and someone calls her Astrid.
(You try rhyming anything with Astrid….)
They soldier on, then comes a son,
A handsome brute called Dennis,
Who naturally excels at music, chess and table tennis.
At haiku, rugby, cookery, philosophy, fine art
A polymath, a raconteur, a bon viveur apart
Whose wit and charm and modesty is a wonder to behold
And all who fall beneath his thrall, their worlds are wreathed in gold.
And then they had Stephanie.
So now, their little world complete, they forged ahead anew
With holidays to Cromer, Scunthorpe, Sevenoaks and Crewe,
And as the kids got older they ventured back to Malta
In conversation, a nice location,
But never drink the water.
So in Northampton, born and bred, the Ciappara children grew
And Jo and Grace, embraced the place, and raised their little crew.
Grace honed her skills and got her thrills in amateur dramatics
And soon she stunned all-comers with her kitchen acrobatics
Cooking on the radio, answering callers’ queries,
Solving culinary problems for Northampton’s blue rinse dearies.
She joined the Masque, she crept the boards, she set the stage alight
She sang, she danced, soliloquyed non-stop into the night.
And Shakespeare in the Park! She even roped me in
Henry V, The Merry Wives, I took it on the chin.
So with a quiet cough, my Dad slunk off
Went down the County Ground,
To watch a local football team by the name of Northampton Town
True to form, my father quietly put his face about,
And soon they realised his worth, a find, without a doubt.
They sat him down, at Northampton Town and offered him a malt,
And said ‘Listen Doc, this team’s a crock, it’s seriously at fault!
Our players keep falling over, they haven’t got a clue!
Can you come along and join us, we need a man like you,’
And so Joe stayed on, for 40 years, drinking all their whisky
Rolling home on a Saturday night, red faced and slightly frisky.
So Joe and Grace, have found their place, and truly settled down,
Their roots are firmly planted in good old Northampton Town,
And many a party this house has seen and weddings too, remember,
Though most of them for Astrid, with another one this November!
So 50 years have passed and Joe and Grace are still as one.
Its been a roller coaster and a huge amount of fun
To have grown up as their daughters, to have grown up as their son.
So please join me in a toast right now, to Joe and Grace’s marriage
Anniversary mugs and merchandise are available in the garage.
Cheers, down the hatch!
Copyright Dennis Ciappara 2018. Tel. 07811 960795 Email: Dennis@creation-gc.co.uk